I’ve worked with the founder of Eldens, a luxury asset lender, since the launch of the business in 2018.
I created Tone of Voice guidelines and developed brand messaging which I’ve tailored across multiple channels. I’m on hand to advise on all things digital, from SEO to UX.
Eldens trust me to write and edit everything from market reports and articles, to investor pitches and business plans.
Website Redesign
When Eldens decided to redesign their website, I created a site map and advised the developers on the layout and content for each page.
I audited the old website, editing and optimising existing content, and creating new content where needed.
The result is an elegantly simple shop window, clearly explaining what Eldens stands for and the services it offers.
Service Page: Fine Art Loans
About Us Page
Market News & Insights
The Art Market in 2024: A Half-Year Review
From slashing to soup-slinging: a brief history of art vandalism
Meet the Next Gen Collectors
Industry Insights: the watch market
“Alex has been instrumental in our overall marketing strategy. Her work with us has been diverse and has consistently been of the highest quality. In every task Alex has taken a strategic and collaborative approach, and it’s a pleasure to work with her.”
— Ian Welsh, Eldens
Thought-leadership Articles for LinkedIn
The Need-to-Know Guide to NFTs
Ghostwritten for Elden’s MD, this report introduces NFTs and NFT art, and considers the impact of this technology.
Banksy: The Art Market’s Reluctant Hero
Ghostwritten for Elden’s MD, this article investigates the elusive artist and his continuing domination of the art market.
Content Strategy
Tone of Voice
I created Tone of Voice guidelines for Eldens to define the brand identity and core values. The guidelines explain how these values can be communicated through copy, and how to write effectively for a digital audience.
Brand Messaging
Following on from the Tone of Voice work, I created new brand messaging for Eldens. I wrote the brand story and tailored it for different channels: the Eldens website, partner websites, Medium, and pitch documents.
Eldens tasked me with building their authority as art lenders. I conducted keyword research, and established “art lending” as the primary keyword to target. I wrote an article on this theme which is ranked no. 1 on Google for “art lending” searches.